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Rebhan FPS Kunststoff-Verpackungen GmbH

REBHAN Website Relaunch

By 8. February 2023No Comments

Since the beginning of 2023, online visitors to the new REBHAN website at can expect a refreshed look, improved usability and additional content features!

The new, modern design of the website reflects REBHAN’s high-quality products and services and offers brands plenty of inspiration for their packaging solutions. Featured content include the latest product series, numerous customer references, and videos give users insight into in-house production and decoration.

The stylish homepage offers effective navigation with a searchable product catalog, a detailed service portfolio and a blog that connects to REBHAN’s social media activities.

Online, you will also discover REBHAN’s extensive range of sustainable solutions, whether it is the recent presentation of recyclable Glass-like polymer Cristal One E or the numerous developments within the REBHAN Green line-concept, whose range of environmentally conscious materials and production techniques make every product a sustainable solution.

REBHAN’s is your reliable partner for innovative packaging solutions and product-specific development projects for cosmetics, chemicals and household goods. The new website is your online home where you can browse, inform and, above all, be inspired.